Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure; neither this nor that, but simply growth. We are happy when we are growing.
~William Butler Yates
People come to therapy for a variety of reasons. At bottom, we humans seek relief from emotional and psychic pain. Fear, anxiety, depression, and problems with self esteem often result in difficulties socially, at work, or in love and relationships, all of which mute life satisfaction.
Some individuals come to therapy because they want help navigating difficult or transitional periods in their lives. Others want to remove obstacles to their growth and happiness, and learn skills for approaching inevitable challenges in ways that align with their deeper values.
Therapy aims to help an individual develop a healthy relationship with all of one’s self. Learning to be with oneself with a clear understanding, accompanied by a sense of self-compassion supports the natural flow of growth and happiness.
As a gestalt therapist I believe in the process of therapeutic dialogue. Moments of authentic and mutual connection are a salve to a sense of isolation and loneliness. I believe in respect for each person’s experience; the value of cultivating present moment awareness; identifying strengths and possibility in service of living a full, vital and satisfying life.